
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11157 From: alhaladaoc Date: 3/5/2015
Subject: Ball Screw Mapping Using KFLOP/CNCMotion

Greetings all. I've been utilizing KFLOP for a couple of years now, and I've gotten the machine to the point where such a question has become relevant. 

Has anyone applied ball screw mapping to code running on KFLOP? Given some research I saw on the use of the transformation matrix, I expect not. 

Thanks in advance,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11158 From: ericncn Date: 3/6/2015
Subject: Re: Ball Screw Mapping Using KFLOP/CNCMotion
If you are talking about the geo correction table, I have NOT used it yet but I was planning to take advantage of it later when I'll upgrade my machine to linear scales.

The linear scales will come with certificates showing the error as a function of absolute position. It looked me to be exactly the information the geo correction table was made for.


---In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, <matthew.sekulic@...> wrote :

Greetings all. I've been utilizing KFLOP for a couple of years now, and I've gotten the machine to the point where such a question has become relevant. 

Has anyone applied ball screw mapping to code running on KFLOP? Given some research I saw on the use of the transformation matrix, I expect not. 

Thanks in advance,


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11159 From: janbbeck Date: 3/6/2015
Subject: Re: Ball Screw Mapping Using KFLOP/CNCMotion
That is part of what these types of corrections are usually used for. However, the functionality is far more powerful than just linear correction. In fact, the the axes are never perfectly square or straight. With the right equipment, you can build a 3D map of these errors and correct for that. Hence the table.

Group: DynoMotion Message: 11172 From: alhaladaoc Date: 3/7/2015
Subject: Re: Ball Screw Mapping Using KFLOP/CNCMotion
Hello all;

My thanks for the responses. It is good to know others believe it possible. 
